Some Easy Workouts You Can Do at Home (with or without weights)

Some of these are older, but I thought I would share a few different workout ideas that you can take with you if you’re on vacation or that you can do if you can’t quite afford a weight set or workout program first.

Before we do any workout, however, we must warm up!


Here are some weight-optional chest, shoulder and back exercises
And of course, some ab work!
This is a bootcamp workout I made for my Team Athena peepz and while I am using weights in the vid, any of these weights can be replaced with a broom stick, dumbbells, soup cans, small child, or even done weight-free.

And of course, we can’t forget our legs!  I use dumbbells in this video, you can probably sub soda cans or whatever you found in the hotel fridge that’s got a little weight.  Get creative!

While I Really Want an Effing Milk Shake…

I spoke earlier in my post about the 30 day ab challenge I am doing (Skinny Ms‘ <— click for the deets) and also mentioned that I was going to do the Ultimate Reset, right?  I decided I needed to do it to get back on the diet horse because, well, I was really sucking ass in that department for a while. Excuse my French. I had met a few people at Summit who had done it and all had raving reviews as well as some pretty impressive fat loss so, ya know.  I thought it was a good way to recommit food wise – that for me is way harder than working out.

Here’s what it is, so you’re not scratching your head thinking ‘wtf is she talking about?’. It’s a 21 day long cleanse, though not a fasting cleanse.  You eat a lot.  Quite a lot.  Of clean as it gets food.  You do start off eating some meat and dairy, but you end up totally vegan.  You take a series of different supplements that help your body detox gently along with nudging your body’s pH over to alkaline, basically – you’re less likely to get any nasty ish like cancer later on.  It can also lower some inflammation in the body you might be thinking is fat.  There’s also a liquid oxygen supplement which is kind of a trip if you ever drop some on your tongue… A couple other ones as well.  Anyway, you take these supplements on a daily schedule that varies weekly.  Each week is a different phase of the cleanse – you get your body ready to detox the first week, you detox the second, and then you get your body back to working order and better than ever (so they say – we’ll see when we get there!) on the third week.  Still with me?  Did anyone start snoozing? No? Still here?  Sweet. Thanks guys!

You also drink a crazy amount of water.  Basically, 1 oz for every 2 lb of body fat.  I’m drinking about 70 oz of water a day.   My toilet and my butt are really bonding.  

I’m definitely eating more vegetables than I have ever eaten in my life and starting to really appreciate the difference between in season fruits/veggies and out of season.  Seriously, when they’re in season, they taste amazingly better!  Like, I like eating them, it’s my favorite part of the meals.  WTF happened there?  

Now – before I start posting some pics of what I’ve been eating (and some recipes I’m giving ya here but.. only a few!) I just want to mention that I am not following the directions on the Reset to a tee – I cannot not exercise.  I just can’t get my mind around that anymore and I am having every other day as a rest day and I have taken it down to pretty darn low intensity (like yoga and core work) I am still doing the resistance days of P90X2 and I still am leading Turbo on Thursday nights.  I have to do this in a way that lets me stick with it, and I won’t stick with it if I don’t get myself to a point mentally where I can live my life and not kill my family.  

One of those things that I’m doing to sort of make it fit to my life is picking a few meals out of the meal schedule and repeating them a few times a week.  I’m also prepping them all on Sunday and storing them in the fridge – then I just have to pull out a zip lock and stick the stuff in the oven or whatevs.  

Yeah, I took a pic of the inside of my fridge.  I don’t know why I thought that would be interesting, but there you have it – the inside of my fridge.  

Back on the train of thought before it leaves me at the wrong stop, another way I’ve been tweaking the Reset to fit my lifestyle is by switching up the recipes a little bit.  For example, to make almond butter on an apple a little more interesting, I sprinkled some cinnamon on top and I doubled the snack because I had worked out and didn’t want to be over the top hungry.

I switched up the black bean and brown rice meal with grilled onions, red peppers and zucchini and left out the corn tortilla because my husband was really not digging on the kale and this way, we were all happy and able to eat dinner and enjoy it without stuffing it down our throats so we don’t have to taste it.

I made this family sized so I tweaked the serving sizes.  This is what I came up with (and this can feed 3 adults or 2 adults and 2 kids)

1 can black beans

1 cup brown rice (we like brown basmati from Trader Joes)
1/2 tsp olive oil
1/2 tsp chili powder
1 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp coriander
1 tsp Bragg’s Liquid Aminos
Himalayan salt to taste (they have this at Trader Joes!)
1 tbsp chopped cilantro
1 mediumish squirt of a lime

Cook the rice in the background – 2 cup water to 1 cup rice.  While the rice is a’cookin’, in a medium saucepan combine the black beans, olive oil, chili powder, cumin, coriander, Bragg’s and salt.  For what I did, go a little heavy on the seasonings because as soon as the rice was done, I added the rice to the pot of beans and mixed it in so the rice soaked up the flavor.  Then I added in the cilantro and lime juice once all mixed – those 2 are my little personal additions.  Serve up the plates with some grilled fajita veggies, guacamole and salsa and it’s the bomb diggity!

Ultimately, even though I’m not exactly sticking to the plan, my body is definitely feeling better and it is nice to see the scale going down.  I’ll keep updating as the Reset progresses.  On Day 7, I am down 6 lb.  Most of that I’m sure is water and toxic goo that’s been in my body that I’ve definitely been feeling.  Tomorrow starts detox and I’m a little nervous!

Also – if you want to try the Ultimate Reset, click right HERE!

Need a Fun Reason to Lose Some Weight?

Keep thinking ‘I should start working out’ or ‘I should start my diet’ but keep pushing it back to next Monday? Then next Monday comes and you push it back one more week then another and another? Don’t you want to finally lose weight and get into those jeans you’ve been dying to wear already? How about if I give you an awesome reason to get on that horse?

Starting August 6th, I’m giving you a reason to get started.  Get ready for Momma’s 60 Day Cut the Fat Challenge!  Dedicate yourself for 60 days to shred some inches and some fat and… if you lose the most out of the group?  You win a free FitBit.  OH YEAH!  How’s that for a reason to start moving?

If you don’t know what a FitBit is, I’ll fill you in right quick: a FitBit is a nifty little wireless device you can clip on your clothes.  It tracks calories burned, steps taken, calories consumed and even your sleep patterns.  It’s a pretty sweet little gadget.  

So, here are the rules:

  • You must take pictures of the scale every week to prove loss – to prove the pictures are current, take a picture of the number on the scale or the numbers down on the measuring tape with that day’s newspaper.  
  • You must be registered on with TurboRachel (me) as your coach.  To do this easily, sign up on and click join.  A basic free membership will work!  If you’re already a TBB member but I’m not your assigned coach, you can switch by sending an email to asking them to switch your coach to TurboRachel, coach ID 128848.
  • Must be a U.S. resident to participate.  
  • You can do this using ANY fitness program, provided it’s a Beachbody program.  Why? These are the programs I’m qualified to coach. I would have no idea how to help you get through TapOut or a Jillian Michaels workout because I’m not familiar with them or affiliated with those companies. So for the sake of keeping things neat and tidy, please stick with Beachbody’s workouts! There are a ton to choose from!
  • This isn’t a rule, but thought I would share.  For the month of July (and there isn’t a lot of time left), you can try Turbo Fire, P90X or Brazil Butt Lift FREE for a month before you buy them, and they also come with a month’s supply of Shakeology.  You just pay for shipping. How?  Go to my site – and look in the bottom right for the link to Challenge Packs.  On the left, look for ‘trial offers’ and click there.  I absolutely recommend all 3 programs – especially Turbo Fire (of course).  Brazil Butt Lift and P90X are also very effective and if you want proof – check out my Success Stories tab!  (There are a ton of other programs that come in challenge packs or by themselves that you can pick from, these 3 are just the ones available in the trial offer)
  • Non-coaches only may participate!  Sorry, dear coaches, but we have Team Athena challenges for you guys!
  • You MUST have a Facebook account!  All of my challenge groups meet over Facebook – what allows me to work with people all over the place, not just in my town!  Daily accountability in our Facebook groups is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.  Having a bunch of people to check in with and support you really makes a difference in your success.  Fo’ shizzle.
  • Before and After pictures will be required!  These will be considered in your total transformation.  You do not have to post these until the challenge is over if you are uncomfortable.
  • While I don’t care which Beachbody program you pick, I am very seriously recommending using Shakeology for this challenge!  Especially for those who don’t have time to eat breakfast in the morning, don’t like eating veggies or have tendencies to emotionally or binge-eat.  Seriously, get every weapon in your arsenal that you can.  I can give you 100 people who will all tell you that they swear by Shakeology who I know personally – it really is amazing stuff.  You can save money on Shakeology by ordering it HD (monthly auto-ship).  This gives you free shipping and you can cancel after one month so you don’t keep being charged.  Want to save even more money on ShakeO? Email me and we can discuss some different options. 🙂  

And that’s it!  The rest is up to you – so make the decision!  What better motivation is there to finally get the weight off than a possible prize at the end?  And it doesn’t get easier to get through a weight loss journey than to have support from others along the way also going through it.  Decide! And then email me at with the subject FITBIT CHALLENGE telling me you want in.  

You are worth a happy and healthy life.  There is no better feeling in the world than achieving a goal and having a healthy functioning body to go with it is pretty awesome too.  Everyone should know what it feels like to be healthy and strong.  So let’s do this thing!!!

Deets about the trial offer challenge packs (and all challenge packs come with these goodies, even if you pay for the whole pack up front):

For the Ladies: How to Survive That Time of the Month and Not Gain Weight

You’ll be doing fine diet-wise and working out everyday.  Then all of the sudden, you get smacked in the face with a butt load of crazy-making hormones and you are starving, borderline psychotic and exhausted.  Welcome back, PMS, you cruel cold-hearted bitch. 

The starving thing is normal and makes sense when you think about it – your body thinks you’re pregnant so it wants to pack on the pounds.  And you do need to eat a little extra calorie intake during this point at your cycle, but you can control it. How? You increase serotonin. Serotonin is a feel good hormone that gets secreted from non-fruit carbohydrates – you know how you get the happy from eating chocolate? That’s serotonin. Unfortunately, most of those carbs that we crave aren’t good for the waistline and for most of us, when you’re PMSing and dip into the chocolate or the chips, you can’t stop until the bar is gone or the bag is empty.  There’s another way.

Tryptophan is an amino acid that helps the body produce niacin and serotonin. Eating foods high in tryptophan trigger that serotonin release so your PMS cravings go away and you’ll also sleep better, which is also great for weight loss.  Like you need a good reason to get some sleep?

Some foods high in tryptophan:
  1. Dairy products
  2. Animal proteins like fish, turkey, beef, chicken, pork and eggs
  3. SHAKEOLOGY!!! WHAT UP! (plus you can drink the chocolate or make it into ice cream and get your fix without the guilt)
  4. Legumes like chickpeas and lentils
  5. Whole grains – oats, brown rice, wheat germ, quinoa
  6. Nuts and seeds
So that solves the diet bit, but what about exercise?  Surely, who can think about working out when you feel bloated and crampy?  Well, there are a couple of fixes for this one.
  1. Ditch salt and alcohol – these just make you retain water and feel more bloated, no thanks!  
  2. Avoid simple carbs – candy, fruit, syrups, honey, pastries, chips, white bread, pizza crust… the good stuff.  While these might make your tastebuds sing and release serotonin, they also increase inflammation in your body so you feel more like Stay-Puffed and less on the svelte side.
  3. This one is going to make you want to smack me, but I have to say it.  Even though you’d rather stab yourself in the ear with a fork, EXERCISE!  Guess what, it will make you feel better!  By increasing your circulation to all parts of your body including your uterus, you’ll actually feel less crampy.   It also relieves headaches and the endorphin release will put you in a better mood!  
The rest is up to you in terms of controlling your thinking so that you stay motivated to keep on your body/health-transforming mission.  This is a great time to really work on flexing your willpower, because it’s just like a muscle.  You have to work it and work it for it to get strong.  If the urge to binge starts getting really strong, get out of the house or go take a bath.  I really recommend tracking your cycle so that you know when to get any junk food out of the house so that if you are a binger, knowing it’s all there isn’t tugging at your brain to send you to go get your fix.  Whatever you can do in your busy life to take care of yourself and let yourself relax a little will help, because your diet really doesn’t have to unravel just because it’s that time of the month and you can make yourself feel better just by being healthy.   

Gluten-Free Whole Grain (mostly) Berry Muffins

Eating clean doesn’t mean you can’t bake, it just means you have to think about your ingredients a little more carefully.  Crap, if I couldn’t bake, I’d probably turn inside out.  Or totally break and end up whipping up a huge batch of buttercream frosting and Jabba-ing out alone in the kitchen with my shame.  

If you happen to get the itch, give these a shot.  You don’t have to use berries – you can use raisins or banana or apples or whatever floats your boat!

Dry Ingredients:
2/3 cup quick oats

1/3 cup quinoa
1/3 cup coconut flour (almond meal can work here too or whatever non-wheat flour rocks your world or even wheat flour, whatever!)
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp sea salt
4 tbsp chia seeds (optional)
1 tsp cinnamon

Wet Ingredients:

2/3 cup honey
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/8 tsp almond extract
2 eggs or 4 egg whites
2/3 cup canola or melted coconut oil
2 cup berries or other ingredient of choice

Preheat oven to 350 F.  Fill up a muffin pan with foils.

Combine all dry ingredients in one bowl

And your wet ingredients in another, then combine the 2, letting them sit a few minutes so the oats and quinoa can start to absorb some of the moisture.  I let mine sit about 15 minutes before I add anything else.

Add your berries, nuts, bananas… whatever you want to the mix (I added pureed papaya, mixed berries and coconut shreds) and distribute batter into your cupcake foils.

Bake 25-30 minutes (I have a convection oven so it may be a different amount of time for you – check yours at 15-20 min?)
Muffins may be a little darker than you’re expecting if you’re not used to baking with whole grain/non-wheat flours.  This is normal so don’t panic, they’re not burnt!

Let cool in pan for about 10 minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool the rest of the way.  They may need to cool longer before transferring if you have a lot of berries in there, they can be kinda crumbly.

Then stuff your mouth and enjoy! 🙂

Skinny Ms’ Fabulous Abs in 30 Days Challenge

So, like many stay-at-home mamas do during the day, I found myself with some idle time and decided to spend it clicking around on  I had exhausted Pinterest already today.  Shocking, I know!  Anyway, while ‘stumbling,’ I found a site that made me pause and actually read it – ‘Fabulous Abs in 30 Days Challenge…’

Hello lover!

For 30 days, it’s suggested that I drink more water, give up soda and all forms of delicious crap, eat whole foods, ditch the sugar and eat smaller portions.  This is a list of things I’ve been needing to do anyway, since my month of emotional breakdown…

Hmmm… that woman reminds me more of my mother when I was a teenager than me… 

Anyway, I plan on starting the Ultimate Reset in the next couple of days (it’s a 21 day cleanse) so I figure this ab challenge will fit in neatly.  Plus, one of the lovely side affects of emotionally eating and practically shooting up sugar for a month is that even if you workout like I do, you still end up with more tummy pooch going on.  Eff.

I hate ab workouts, I really do.  And last time when I swore I was going to ditch my belly in a month before Summit, I totally flaked.  But this time, I’m not flaking.  Because seriously – abs are like the most emotionally vulnerable place to have excess fat and that excess fat does murder on your self-image.  If you need an excuse to be self-deprecating, belly fat does the trick.

This challenge looks promising and I’m pretty certain that I won’t have any problems sticking with it because you just have to do the ab workout 3 times a week in 30 days.  I can do that.   Heck, me at 300+ lb Jabba’ed out on the couch can do that.  Zing!

So, this is what I will be doing 3 x a week for the next 30 days:

4 circuits of the following:
Leg Lifts – 20 seconds
Rest – 15 seconds
Scissors – 20 seconds (do not use
Rest – 15 seconds
Plank – 20 seconds
Rest – 15 seconds
Flutter Kicks – 20 seconds
Rest – 15 seconds
Reverse Crunches – 20 seconds
Rest – 15 seconds
Mason Twist – 20 seconds
Rest – 15 seconds

If you would like to join me in this challenge, please do and feel free to post on here about your progress!  I love workout and accountability buddies!  Go here to check out the deets and find some nifty YouTube videos that show how to do each of the exercises:

Oh, almost forgot!  My before photos!  I would jab myself in the carotid with a spoon than post these but well, looking at your flabby abs is one source of motivation.  Sharing the picture with the world so you’re forced to stay on the ball is even better.  Seriously – ever want to stick with something, embarrass yourself and broadcast it.  It works.

Front view:
Side view:

 Oh lord, just looking at those abs on my computer screen just totally underlined my dedication to this.  GAH!  Well, I will keep all you kids posted with how it goes!  And if I end up totally abtastic, Skinny Ms is gonna get a big fat cyber smooch on the kisser.  Fo’realz.

Oh yeah, as mentioned above, I am also going to start the Ultimate Reset next week.  This is a 21 day non-starvation cleanse that basically sets your body’s pH to alkaline, kicks out your sugar and caffeine addiction, lowers your cholesterol and many people I know who have done it have lost like 8-20 lb in 3 weeks.  Seriously.  What up.  Since coming off of my sugar binge month of hell, my willpower has been in the toilet.  So if anyone would like to join me in this, please do! I would love all of the support and motivation and accountability I can get. You can order the Ultimate Reset and read more about it HERE.

I Don’t Eat Breakfast!

I hear a lot of people say this – “I don’t eat breakfast.”  Well, if you want to lose weight, find a way to start.  Here’s why.

  1. According to the Mayo Clinic, eating breakfast can reduce hunger later of the day (you know, when you find yourself scrounging around the office for the first sugary object you can find and end up devouring the entire candy bowl? I can’t be the only person who’s done this).
  2. Also, according to the Mayo Clinic (they’re just right on the ball, aren’t they?), when you go for a long time without eating – like all night up to lunch, you trigger an insulin response – those jackasses that signal your fat cells to store fat.  Let’s keep our insulin low, shall we?
  3. Elisabetta Politi, nutrition manager at Duke bless her heart, states that eating breakfast jump-starts your metabolism and if you skip it, you prevent your body from creating enzymes that it needs to signal fat loss.  Do I really need to follow this one up with any sassy input?  Thought not.
  4. It’s also been discovered, thank you WebMD (see, I’m citing my source here so you know I’m not just pulling this stuff out of my ass) that people who eat breakfast end up making better food choices throughout the day and because of this, end up keeping the weight off.  

Those are 4 amazing reasons.  Now I get it, time is a big player in this game but no one said you have to go make some big elaborate fancy meal for yourself – pffft eff that.  You know that Shakeology thing i’m constantly going on and on and on and on and on and on and on about?  This is one of those areas where it’s amazing.  Whatever you do, find a way to get some breakfast going on.  Your excuses are just adding to your waistline!

Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

Why am I not losing weight?  

This is a question I hear a lot.  We all struggle with different diet issues.  We all want to fit into the skinny jeans.  Many of us are fighting this weight loss battle and feel like it’s hopeless.  It isn’t.  What I have found is that it really comes down to what your food habits are and whether or not you’re doing resistance training.

First of all, before I dive into food, let me tell you this.  If you want sustainable weight loss that will last, you have to boost your metabolism.  The easiest way to do that is to lift some weights.  You can pick up a strength training program like P90X or Les Mills Pump (obviously, I’m in favor of Pump – I really appreciate how attentive they are to teaching you proper form and telling you what lower back pain means, things like that).  If you need to follow along with someone but are limited on time, you can pick up a program like Ten Minute Trainer.  You can leave a set of dumbells in your bathroom and do calf raises while you brush your teeth, triceps dips and push-ups on the bath tub, shoulder raises, biceps curls, weighted lunges, weighted squats – these exercises don’t take a lot of space.  You can save time by doing your bicep curls or overhead presses while you do your lunges or squats.  The point is – 3 times a week or so, you should be lifting weights.  Muscle burns fat.  Proven.  Word up.

So then it comes down to what you put in your mouth.  It’s totally true, you can’t out-exercise a bad diet.  When I say bad diet, that doesn’t mean over-eating (though that’s another problem area but we’ll get there).  I mean that the quality of the calories you are feeding yourself is not ideal.  If you are eating 1200 calories a day of M&M’s and ice cream, you may lose weight but you’re going to feel like crap.  If you’re exercising on top of that 1200 calories of M&M’s and ice cream, though, you’re not going to burn fat.  You’re not fueling enough and the fuel you are providing your body is crap.  Not to mention, sugar promotes insulin production. Insulin tells your fat cells to store fat.  Ew, ew, ew.  

Let me give you a visual of how your ideal meal should be laid out – snacks too!

You can even buy these plates at  I wonder how my husband would feel if I swapped out all of our plates with these? 

Most people will look at this and immediately say, ‘but I hate veggies, they make me gag.’  Well, you know what?  BUCK UP AND EAT THEM.  I hate veggies too.  Does that stop me from eating them? Heck no! I eat them, pretty much with every meal.  If I really can’t stand them (broccoli makes me want to kill myself), then I eat them first and eat them fast.  Then I let myself enjoy the rest of my my meal.  BUT NO MATTER WHAT, I EAT THEM.  EVEN IF I WANT TO KILL GREGOR MENDEL FOR CROSS-GERMINATING THE DAMN MUSTARD GREEN PLANT TO MAKE THAT DARN BROCCOLI.  OH WHAT – HE’S ALREADY DEAD?  WELL, I STILL RAISE MY MIDDLE FINGER IN SALUTE.

Okay, enough caps-lock yelling at a dead guy.  ANYWAY…

At first, this plate might be panic-making – I’m supposed to have meat and veggies available for every meal??? Well, protein comes in multiple sources.  It can come in the form of nuts, lentils, protein powder, peanut butter, eggs, fish, meat, poultry, tempeh, soy, quinoa, Greek or Icelandic yogurt, cheese, peanuts, beans… there are many possibilities.  So that plate can turn into a burrito with a whole grain tortilla (notice I didn’t say whole wheat – wheat is another insulin stimulator – bad!) with avocado (healthy fat), lettuce, tomato, beans and chicken – just make sure you keep track of your portions. You can make an on-the-go meal in the form of a protein shake with protein powder, some spinach leaves and a banana (the banana will cancel out the spinach’s flavor – trust me!). That plate can also turn into a banana with nut butter (protein and healthy fat) and unsweetened coconut shreds sprinkled on top (carb!).  Okay, that last one lacks veggies but fruits in moderation are important too.  The point is balance.  Protein and carbs.  Meat, grains and veggies.  

When you balance your plate and include protein and fibrous carbs (veggies – holla!), it takes your body longer to digest and it keeps you fuller longer.  AND, your body has to work harder digesting it which means more calories burned with digestion!  HOOTY HOO!!!

So, earlier I talked about calories with exercise.  First of all, the quality of the calories you put in your body if you’re an exerciser (and you should be) really matters.  If you’re running on sugar, you stand a good chance of getting hypoglycemic.  You may not get the results you are looking for because of insulin-production. And if you aren’t eating enough of the right things or eating enough period, there’s a chance you could end up overtraining due to lack of adequate fuel or even starvation mode.  

If you are female, your body needs AT LEAST 1500 calories to function.  If you’re eating 1200-1500 calories a day and working out, you’re not eating enough calories to trigger fat loss.  You’re body is going to want to cling to fat to keep you alive.  My best rule of thumb is – calculate your calories.  Here’s a website that uses the Harris Benedict equation to give you an accurate basal metabolic rate – how many calories you need to be alive:  Once you get that number, click the link to calculate your daily calorie needs.  Be honest with your activity level – if you underestimate, you risk falling into starvation mode.  Then, to lose weight, remember that 

1 lb = 3,500 calories

3,500/7 = 500 so to lose 1 lb a week from diet, you need to subtract 500 calories from the calorie amount you calculated with your activity level included.  This way, 1 lb of weight loss comes from your diet, and 1 lb of weight loss comes from working out – eating enough to fuel workouts where you can push at high intensity insures that weight lost will be from FAT.  I know this is confusing and I still don’t quite understand it myself but look at the people I got this info from: Jillian Michaels, Shaun T, Chalene Johnson, Bob Harper, Tony Horton… they all instruct you to calculate this way.  They’re all ripped.  I followed their instructions and trusted them and it worked for me too.  So, TRUST IT.  And eat enough to support metabolic muscle tissue.  You want your weight lost to be fat, not lean muscle tissue so go about this right.

Last piece – water.  Your metabolic rate increases with drinking water.  In a study conducted by Berlin’s Franz-Volhard Clinical Research Center, they discovered that subjects’ metabolic rate increased 30% by drinking 8 glasses of water a day.  Drinking water also helps fill your stomach, making you feel fuller.  So, I follow Bob Harper’s advice:  as soon as I wake up, I drink 16 oz of water to get my metabolic rate up and at ’em!  Before I eat, I drink 8 oz of water.  It’s a pain in the ass, yes, but you know what?  I want my metabolism as high as I can get it.  Don’t you?  

So that’s it in a nut shell.  It isn’t really that difficult.  It just takes developing the right habits.  Picking quality foods to eat.  Staying away from sugar.  Eating within your calorie range.  Tracking everything you eat and drink.  It will seem like a lot of work at first because it’s new, but before you know it, you’ll be doing these things without even thinking about them!